I'm so excited to share with you one of my new favorite staple pieces. My JORD watch!

I get so many compliments on it so I thought I would just share all about it here!

JORD watches are made out of natural wood and that for sure helps the look of them. I love the rustic tone of my watch! Click here for the link to the one I have.

The packaging is really what makes receiving a JORD watch a full experience.

Inside the package came this BEAUTIFUL wooden box which held everything inside. In the pictures bellow you will see what JORD packages in each personalized box.

-A cleaning kit to keep the wood looking fresh and in shape!

-Humidity control towelette!

-& bonus... you cause repurpose your wooden box as a jewelry holder!

Guess what?! JORD has given me a unique link for all of you to sign up for a AWESOME giveaway! Enter the giveaway here! ! It’s only through Sunday so you don’t want to miss out :) 


link to the men's shop :

link to the women's shop :

link to my watch:

photo cred: @halliejacobs